Temperature control units



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Water temperature control units (90°C)


STRUCTURE: Self-standing, on castors
HEATER: Immerse
EXCHANGER: Immerse, shell & tube
PUMP: Submersible peripheral pump with reverse function
TANK: Stainless steel tank eith internal bulkheads, capacity 18 lt
FILLING: Automatic, independent filling system with filter
CONTROL: Gefran 650 control system with digital dislay and PID function during heating/cooling phases

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The 3Flows project brings a wave of innovation within water and oil temperature controllers. The word 3Flows underlines the set course of fluid into the collector holding the heater. Before flowing towards the process, the fluid runs 3 times close to the heating element: this exchange optimizes the fluid temperature, zeroes the temperature fluctuations and provides for a prompt reaction to the thermal load changes.


  • Working from 20°C to 200°C under steady conditions
  • High-pressure peripheral pump
  • Heating by an highly efficient heater made of stainless steel with aluminium diffusers and overtemperature control
  • Cooling by plate heat exchanger made of stainless steel
  • Control panel with function/alarm leds
  • PID control
  • IP54 rated electrical control panel

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3Flex Hiper

Water temperature control unit up to 160°C, touch screen panel.


  • Structure with removable side-panels made of pre-painted steel
  • Peripheral magnetic drive pump
  • Maximum process fluid content: 25 lt
  • Heating by an highly efficient immersion heater made of Incoloy steel with low w/cm2 load factor
  • Cooling by plate heat exchanger made of stainless steel
  • 3-way modulating valve on the process for the anti-limescale control on the exchanger
  • Touch screen panel displaying temperatures, set values, flow rates, pressures and alarms
  • IP54 rated electrical control panel

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ETW and ETO temperature controllers are the best and most economical solution for the precise control of temperature.


  • Centrifugal or peripheral pumps for temperatures up to 230°C
  • Pumps with magnetic drive without mechanical seal for temperatures up to 300°C
  • ETW and ETO models include braze-welded plate heat exchangers while ETO-H high temperature versions are fitted with shell and tube exchangers
  • Electric heaters are made of Incoloy steel with low watt/cm2 load factor
  • Water filling system, gauge to check water pressure/leak-stop function, “Y” shaped filters to safeguard hydraulic circuits
  • PID control
  • IP54 rated electrical control panel

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ROSSOBLU is a thermo-chiller with 1, 2 or 3 zones to be placed on machine side, automatically adjusting its operation according to the request of heating or cooling which comes from the product, with temperature accuracy to tenth of degree thanks to its 3-way proportional valve.


  • Thermo-chiller with 1, 2 or 3 zones with temperature accuracy to tenth of degree thanks to its 3-way proportional valves proportional valves
  • 3 different heaters (6-12-18 kW) according to machine model
  • Water pumps with different flow rate and pressure values (3-6 Bar)
  • Braze-welded plate evaporator
  • Stainless steel tank
  • PID control
  • IP54 rated electrical control panel

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Special Units

Our engineering dept. develops projects according to the user’s specific needs; flow rates, pressures and temperature tolerances are also customized.

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Process water chillers



Temperature control units



Process air chillers



Process air dehumidifiers



Temperature control units

Eurochiller, a manufacturer of industrial cooling systems, stands out among its competitors in that it constantly develops “green” technologies and chillers with high energy efficiency.

Neofyton, in co-operation with Eurochiller has expertise in designing and start-up of central cooling systems.

Philosophy of Eurochiller (PDF 3.76 MB)

Products of Eurochiller (PDF 1.30 MB)

Business lines




technical moulding



Energetska efikasnost u industriji je pojam koji je na našim prostorima postao bitan krajem 2008. i početkom 2009. godine, sa početkom svetske ekonomske krize. Većina privrednika je, do tada, najčešće deklarativno razmatrala trošak struje, kao bitan element kompletnog pregleda troškova. Pritom uticaj energetske efikasnosti na zagađenje prirode gotovo uopšte nije bio razmatran.

Kompanija Neofyton je među prvima u Srbiji i regionu počela aktivno prezentovanje značaja energetske efikasnosti, kako zbog smanjenja troškova proizvodnje, pa samim tim i povećanja profitne stope, tako i zbog podizanja svesti o ograničenosti resursa i širim ekološkim principima.

Ušteda energije korišćenjem Neofyton mašina

U poređenju sa direktnim konkurentima u sferi mašina za brizganje plastike, a korišćenjem standardne hidraulike u koju su ugrađene tzv. “smart” pumpe, naše mašine troše i do 50% manje energije. Korišćenjem servo-hidraulike, postoji potencijal za uštedu do čak 70%. Posedujemo veoma precizan uređaj za merenje potrošnje električne energije, kojim se to i dokazuje.

Kompanija Engel je bila prvi proizvođač mašina za brizganje plastike, još 2009. godine, koji je u svoj upravljački sklop uveo, kao standardnu opciju, stranicu za prikaz potrošnje struje – “Ecograph”, gde se navođenjem težine za svaki proizvod (kalup), u svim ciklusima dobija podatak, kako o ukupnoj potrošnji struje po satu, tako i o specifičnoj potrošnji struje po kilogramu prerađene plastike (kWh/kg).


Oprema koju zastupamo doprinosi OČUVANJU ŽIVOTNE SREDINE na nekoliko načina.
Kada govorimo o pratećoj opremi, a pre svega o čilerima za hlađenje vode našeg dobavljača Eurochille, kojima se temperira kako hidraulika i servo motori u mašinama, tako i kalupi (alati) u kojima se i formiraju gotovi proizvodi, čilerski sistemi koje mi prodajemo omogućavaju novi koncept hlađenja korišćenjem tzv. “adijabatskog efekta”.

U letnjem periodu hidraulika i servo motori mašina za brizganje zahtevaju hlađenje vodom temperature do 28°C. Korišćenjem tzv. “free cooling” uređaja sa “adijabatskim efektom”, hlađenje procesne vode se odvija bez korišćenja rashladnih kompresora (koji koriste freone za izmenu toplote). Izmena toplote, tj. hlađenje se odvija isključivo korišćenjem ventilatora, čime se postiže ušteda od 6 do 8 puta u odnosu na klasične čilere koji koriste kompresore sa freonom.

Jedan od naših kupaca je, korišćenjem “adijabatskih” uređaja za hlađenje, umanjio potrebnu količinu električne energije za hlađenje, za 1.400.000 kWh/godišnje, tj. za oko 70.000 EUR. Dodatna prednost je odsustvo rizika, da usled pucanja cevi dođe do curenja freona u atmosferu i velikog zagađenja.

Slična računica se može primeniti na naše Engel mašine za brizganje plastike, kao i na Piovan sušare za sušanje granulata.

Eurochiller company

Eurochiller – maximum energy efficiency, great energy savings, longer service life of compressors

Neofyton is Eurochiller’s partner for the markets of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Nigeria, and Cameroon. Find out more about us, have a look at our capabilities and our installations all over the world.

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